Healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.

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When parents entrust me as their child’s sleep coach, either through one-on-one consultations or seminars, they are placing a great deal of trust in me, and I want to emphasize that I take this responsibility very seriously.

Every child is unique and so is each parenting approach. I am trained to cater to your parenting style while implementing a plan that will also work for your child.  I am your personal coach who will guide both you and your child to achieve the crucial sleep requirement needed to maintain health and happiness.

As your coach, my extensive training and application of tested techniques are at your disposal. My approach will include:

  1. The latest information on the importance of sleep and it's role in your child's well-being.

  2. An easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that allows you to make choices about what is the right approach for your individual child. All children are different, and nobody knows your child better than you do. I encourage you to use your knowledge of your child to customize his or her sleep plan accordingly.

  3. Sleep improvement is measurable! I will demonstrate how you can track your child's progress.

If you have any questions about my sleep philosophy, please do not hesitate to ask! I can be reached by email at or by telephone at (519)575-1149.